How to install linux on chromebook 2017
How to install linux on chromebook 2017

how to install linux on chromebook 2017 how to install linux on chromebook 2017

$ sudo apt-get install bash-completion ttf-ubuntu-font-family software-center synapti This Ubuntu version doesn’t come with its complete list of essential apps so you need to install them yourself with the following commands: $ sudo apt-get update Ctrl+Alt+Back and Ctrl+Alt+Back on Intel-based Chromebooks.Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Back and Ctrl+Alt+Shift+Forward on ARM-based Chromebooks.The commands to switch back and forth between Chrome OS and Ubuntu are: Instead of Xfce, you can install Crouton with LXDE, KDE, or any other Desktop Environment and the instructions are available in Crouton’s GitHub page. Run the following command to start Ubuntu: $ sudo startxfce4 If your PC is a Chromebook Pixel, Asus Flip Book, or touchscreen then change "xiwi" to "touch" like so: $ sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -t touch,xfceĮnter your username and password when Crouton is done installing. If you’re using the Crouton Integration extension then use this command instead: $ sudo sh ~/Downloads/crouton -t xiwi,xfce Next, install crouton with the command: $ sudo sh -e ~/Downloads/crouton -t xfce Launch your terminal and run the command: # shellģ. Download Crouton from GitHub if you didn’t earlier on and save it in your download folder.Ģ. Press Enter and wait for your system to reboot.When in recovery mode, press Ctrl+D turn on developer mode.Enter recovery mode by pressing and holding the Esc key, Refresh key, and Power button together.If you don’t have one then download it after you enable developer mode. Download Crouton from GitHub and save it to an external storage device.Create a recovery image of your system so you can restore it if things go sideways (but they wouldn’t).Backup all your personal files because entering developer mode for the first time will wipe them together with your system data.There are at least two recommendable methods of installing Linux on Chromebooks but my preference is using Crouton – a tool that uses the chroot command to run Linux distros on top Chrome OS without the need to reboot the system.

how to install linux on chromebook 2017

We covered an alternative Linux-centric App Stores to Google Play for Chrome OS not too long ago and today, I’ll show you the easiest way to install Linux (specifically, Ubuntu) on your Chromebook and switch between the OSes at your will with easy-to-remember shortcuts. While Chrome OS is capable of running virtually any Android application, there are some tasks that are better completed on a Linux distro e.g. When Chromebooks were first released, their principal customers were Internet enthusiasts who fancied the idea of using majorly web applications on Google’s Operating System for PCs.

How to install linux on chromebook 2017